Traveling Days…

a personal photo blog of my worldy travels

Entry Uno! August 5, 2012

Filed under: the beginning — tlsimm @ 3:01 pm

August 5, 2012 1:44 pm

Entry Uno

After continuing the past four summer’s tradition and spending ten wonderful and sticky days in Sandwich, Massachusetts with Noah’s family, I have finally departed the safety and familiarity of my home country and have now arrived in Italy, marking the actual beginning of my journey! My boyfriend Noah and I are staying in a cute little studio apartment with Noah’s generous older sister, Robin, right in the heart of the piazza of Sperlonga, which is a beach town about an hour outside of Rome. We only arrived with our backpacks which we are taking around Europe and South East Asia and are learning how heavy they really are, even after the much trimming and pruning that has occurred throughout our planning stages for our trip.

Sperlonga is everything you might imagine a Euro beach town to be and so much more. It’s at least 95 degrees all day/night long, so any time is the best time to hit the water, which is amazingly warm as well. I have to say it is one of the most beautiful spots I have ever witnessed; the old castle buildings overlooking the turquoise and crystal clear Mediterranean, dotted with beach goers and perfectly lined umbrellas on the whitest, softest sand you can imagine. Everyone is extremely tan and beautiful no matter how much gelato is eaten (which is everywhere)! We have a tiny kitchen which we have already made many gastronomical creations, usually involving pasta, fresh fish, basil, and of course, drinking lots of wine. We live directly above a little market where we are constantly buying fresh fruit and veggies to add to our meals and snacks. I have tried very hard to pick up on the Italian phrases to fit in a little (my auburn hair and extremely pale skin are dead giveaways that I’m not from around those parts), but its to no avail, most merchants sort of chuckle when I open my mouth and either correct me or speak to me in the little English they know. We have also realized that it is not particularly a good idea to speak in Spanish to Italians, even though to our unsophisticated ears it sounds very similar, no one has shown any particular appreciation to our efforts.

Little shops, gelatarios, and cafés (many of which only serve alcohol and desserts, what an idea!), litter the tiny walk ways in the castle region, where we are staying, and close-up shop for siesta every day from about 1-5 pm and proceeding to stay open until about 1 am, including the clothing shops. The night life out here seems to be what its all about; families and friends sitting down to dinner at 10:30 in the evening, and music and hanging out until at least 3 am (I only know this because our studio is right in the middle of the piazza and we can hear everyone’s festivities as if they were in our own room). One of these nights I’ll join in, but I’m definitely still fighting the jet lag. Matter of fact, its time for my own siesta!

*hopefully these photos have captured the beauty that Sperlonga is! They are from the plane ride to Italy and our few days in Sperlonga so far.



4 Responses to “Entry Uno!”

  1. kpsimm Says:

    A great start! Isn’t the water safe to drink? 😉 I’m happy you are doing this blog, but… Grandma want me to tell you that you should be home before Christmas Eve so that you can share all your experiences. 🙂

  2. Susan Stocking Says:

    How do they get those lines of umbrella
    s so straight?

  3. Happy Birthday Tara!
    May your day be filled with happiness, laughter, and love
    I miss you
    Love, Dad

  4. Happy belated birthday!
    Looks like so much fun!!!
    Nicky B

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